近日来,众多旅挪华人及社团踊跃捐款,多方寻找渠道购买医用保护器材,支援武汉。自1月26日起,截止2月6日,由CPN提供的捐款平台共筹得善款314511克朗。用这些善款在挪威购买的一批医用防护服护目镜和口罩,在多方人士的巨大努力下已送往武汉多个抗疫一线医院。目前,由于挪威境内剩余的医用保护器材已十分有限,CPN在与捐款活动的其他主要召集人及社团讨论之后,决定在2月8日凌晨2点结束本次捐款活动。(如有需要,且条件允许,捐款活动会立刻重新启动。)本次捐款的所有明细都会一如既往地在CPN网站上公示,包括剩余善款的妥善使用。万分感谢大家的热心贡献,也敬请关注以下网页 https://cpn2003.no/wuhan
Dear all:
Since January 26, the CPN-hosted donation activity that is dedicated to helping the virus-stricken city of Wuhan has until February 6 received NOK 314 511 in total. Thanks to the denotation, a big batch of medical protection gear (whole-body protection suits, eye protectors and medical masks) has been purchased and shipped to Wuhan. Considering the limited remaining stock of medical protection gear in Norway, we have thus decided to end this donation activity on February 8, at 02:00.
As before, all the details of this donation activity will be published online at https://cpn2003.no/wuhan, including the usage of the remaining donation.
Many heart-felt thanks to you all for the care and support!
CPN Board