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A Successful Beginning of the Project!

By Xiuhua.Zhang - Posted on 10 May 2011

Kick-off & Gathering of project ‘Kompetansesenter for Innvandrere’ was successfully held 6th May!

Dr. Xiuhua Zhang, the president of the Chinese Professionals in Norway (CPN, opened the seminar with welcome and a short introduction to project and CPN. Ms. Lisa Cooper, Top10 founder and CEO of Leadership Foundation, and Ms. Dilek Ayhan, CEO Alarge, have given very excited speeches and useful advice by sharing their own experiences working in Norway. The discussion made it clear and helpful for all, particularly for those new comers. Two presentations are available here: [Ms. Lisa Cooper's Presentation] [Ms. Dilek Ayhan's Presentation].

Over 50 participants from 6 nationalities came to the gathering and they got one thing in common, inspiration. They are inspired by the presentations, networking with others and even homemade Chinese food! Discussion was going with great interests and motivation from the participants. Many have found new friends or built up further contacts. The communication among participants and speakers was enjoyable for all at such a Friday’s evening. CPN thanks so much for these two excellent speakers and their efforts for the development as successful professionals in Norway and all participants who made the event a success.

This project is the continuation of the IMDi 2010 and aims to build up a platform/network for working immigrants and their families to meet their needs in information and supervision, after they come to work in Norway from different countries, particularly from Asia, Africa and Latin America, and in the beginning when they settle down in a new country and confront with culture and business differences. More information about the project, including the activity calendar is available at

By CPN/Xiuhua Zhang