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Brief info about CPN annual conference

By Xiuhua.Zhang - Posted on 07 October 2010

Dear CPN members,

The CPN annual conference was successfully held on 2nd October, and the new CPN board was elected. On behalf of all of new board members, I would thank the election committee Mr. LIU Yi and XIANG Jie and all candidates, thank those members and their families for the supports.

Except brief information below, more detailed reports like background information about constitution revision and suggestions to discussion issues as well the board assignment will be given after the first board meeting to be held late October.

1. CPN constitution revision - The following changes are passed and the revised version will be provided seperately.

a. Add ‘Friendship Membership’ for foreigners, who want to join CPN. They have no right to vote and to be voted as a board member and their application shall be approved by the CPN board.
b. Adding 3 new deputy Board members.
c. Name of CPN in Chinese will be translated into 中国旅挪专家学者联合会.

2. CPN board for term 2010-2012 (with confirmation from all including those who were unable to attend the meeting)

Nine board members
BAO, Haimiao; Mr., master;
LIN, Yong; Ms. Ph.D.
MAI, Tianyu; Mr. master
SHAO, Renjie; Mr. master
SU, Ji; Mr. BA.
TAO, Xiaogang; Mr. master
WANG, Xinli; Ms. Ph.D.
WANG, Wanshan, Ms. BS
ZHANG, Xiuhua; Ms. Ph.D.

Three deputy members
RUAN, Gusong, Ms. Master
TAO, QianRu, Ms. Master
WANG, Yunyong, Mr. Dr.

3. Photo compitation vinners

1st prize: Vår (Su Ji)
2nd prize:
i. Feng Hui - 生活是一场无尽的追逐
ii. Lin Gang - HairDresser Countryside
3rd prize:
i. Feng Hui - 过河。改变生活现状,总是要有牺牲的
ii. Bao Haimiao -无题
iii. Dennis Gan - Figures in the light

4. Documents presented in the annual meeting

The documents are online in 3 formats, PPT, PDF and Flash shown in the page. One would always get it on visiting the home page. They are on top of the home page.
a. The announcement of winners of photo competition 2010 was posted online on Sunday. Now the PPT file was attached to the page. or

b. The report by Xiuhua Zhang was posted at or

Best fall,

Xiuhua Zhang