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CPN seminar about air pollution in China

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By admin - Posted on 08 March 2010

Dear all,

We are very pleased to have Dr. Li Liu, from the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), as the speaker of the first CPN talk of 2010. Dr. Liu took her PhD. at the Institute of Geosciences, University of Oslo in 2007. She is now working at NILU as a researcher. In the past several years, Dr. Liu has been involved in many EU projects associated with air pollution in China, which is, unfortunately, a serious problem accompanying the rapid economic growth of China. On March 9th. Dr. Liu will especially talk about this environmental issue and the corresponding Chinese policies. As usual, this talk will be suitable for a broad audience.

Title: Air quality in China and the contribution of present Chinese policies to reducing GHG emissions
Speaker: Dr. Li Liu, from the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU)
Time: March 9th., 2010, Tuesday, 17:00 - 19:00
Place: Undervisningsrom 3 (3rd floor) in the UiO's new library building, which is marked with number 27 on the attached map.

Abstract: China has the largest economic growth in the world, with increased energy consumption of fossil fuels. The air quality in China have been a serious problem in many cities, the most concerned pollutants are sulfur, nitrogen oxides, particles, especially very fine particles, and photochemical smog mainly caused by emission from vehicles. Air quality indicators such as API has been used to inform public about the air quality in cities, what is API? And how is the situation of the air quality in your city? In 2007, for the first time, CO2 emissions from China overpassed the USA, China has been blamed for the largest emitter of GHGs. What is the contribution of Chinese policies to reduce the GHGs emissions? since many of the climate gases are sharing the same sources with air pollutions, is it possible to control the air quality and GHGs at the same time?
中国作为全球经济发展最快速的地区之一,对能源的消耗也随之大幅增加。在中国许多城市都存在严重的空气污染。由化石燃料消耗而导致的空气污染主要包括硫化物,氮氧化物,颗粒物(特别是细小的颗粒物),以及主要由机动车排放而造成的光化学烟雾。国家环保部采用空气污染指数(API)来向公众发布空气质量报告,什么是空气污染指数,如何理解空气污染状况呢?在2007年,中国的二氧化碳排放第一次超过美国成为世界第一,中国由此而成为排放二氧化碳最多的国家。那么,中国的现行政策对温室气体的减排有什么样的贡献? 既然许多温室气体和空气污染物有共同的排放源,那么,有没有可能同时对空气污染物和温室气体进行控制?

If you have any question or suggestion, please feel free to contact Yong Lin (angeline_lin @, tel: 92883354) or Tianyu Mai (tianyumai @, tel: 95083385).

Best regards,
Yong Lin and Tianyu Mai (on behalf of CPN Board)