You are hereSeminar: A Norwegian Chinese expert’s views on cross-cultural communication and leadership
Seminar: A Norwegian Chinese expert’s views on cross-cultural communication and leadership
Time: 30. March 2011, 17.00 - 19.45pm
Venue: Forskningsparken(Research Park), Gaustadalléen 21, N-0349 OSLO
To register:
This seminar aims at giving some useful insights that can be utilized by Norwegian companies doing businesses in China and by Chinese companies running businesses in Norway. The seminar will be focused on the following issues. How can Norwegian companies be prepared for the future drivers in China’s next phase development? What is cross-cultural communication? What are the crucial success factors? How to make most of it? How useful of cross-cultural communications and Western theories of leadership for a Chinese company in the Norwegian business environment?
The speaker, Mr. Henning Kristoffersen, works at Det Norske Veritas as a principal consultant. He was the head of the Nordic Centre at Fudan University in Shanghai, and director for International Relations BI Norwegian School of Management. His experiences in doing business with China include entrepreneurship and trading as well as consulting and teaching in BI’s MBA programme at School of Management at Fudan. He has recently published the 2nd edition of his book “Det Nye Kina” (The New China – Chinese Trade, Culture and Politics). He has led a project for TTS Marine about how to improve cross-cultural communications at operation levels in Europe and China through interviews with Chinese, Scandinavian and German managers and employees.
17.00-17.30 Finger food and chats
17.30-18.30 Part I- China’s next development phase (including Q&A)
18.30-18.45 Coffee Break
18.45-19.45 Part II- Cross-cultural communications in China and Europe (including Q&A)
The seminar is open to all, free of charge and will be held in English. Please register you to the seminar at no later than 28 March. You can contact Mr. Xiao Gang TAO for further information at richardtao00 @ .