由于疫情都缘故,一年一度的CPN年会和两年一次的CPN理事会选举将于2020年10月18日14下午两点至三点半在线举行。这天,是CPN17岁的生日!另外,CPN的年度摄影比赛拟题为 “不平凡的2020”, 希望大家预留时间,参加年会和摄影比赛,并行使你的选举和被选举权,积极投身到为CPN这个“大家”的服务中来!
今年是选举年,我们欢迎更多的会员特别是年轻会员,参加理事会竞选或推荐愿意为CPN服务的会员,加入理事会,把我们的“家”事越做越好。CPN理事会由9人组成,关于理事的责任和义务及分工, 请参看 https://cpn2003.no/en/about/#consitutions, 有意参选理事的会员, 请准备,报名网页将随后公布。
更多信息将随后公布,请准备好5精彩的照片和时间,参赛作品请在10月4日前上载到 https://cpn2003.no/Photography/.
Dear CPN members,
The CPN Annual meeting 2020 including the CPN Board election, due to the COVID/19 situation, will be held 18th
October online between 14 and 15.30 pm. 18th October is the 17/year birthday of CPN! In addition, the annual photo competition will be taken place with a title An extraordinary year of 2020……Wish all CPN members can join to CPN annual meeting and photo competition!
Please reserve the time and date to join the CPN meeting and photo competition. Please submit your photos at link https://cpn2003.no/Photography/, it opens until 4th October. Online voting will follow.
Nomination of the CPN board members for term 2020-22 will start soon by the Election committee, which consists of the following members, Dr. WangYun, Ms Wang Qun and Dr. Zhu Junjie. More information about the board election will be given soon. About CPN board, please see the CPN constitution at https://cpn2003.no/en/about/#consitutions.
CPN will provide our members a better social life and carrier development in Norway! You are warmly welcome to join the meeting and photo competition!
CPN Board