25th Feb, Chinese Professionals in Norway (CPN) has organized a meeting for Chinese community in cooperation with four offices from Helse Folk Institute og Helsedirektoratet.
Near 20 people from 14 Chinese associations and 2 companies presented at the meeting.
The dialogue started with presentations from the two authorities and followed by discussions by raising questions such as how Norway is prepared for the spreading of virus in Norway, and what kind of information should be given to the people. (Link to the presentations)
Since the breakout of Coronavirus during the Chinese New Year holiday, some Chinese or Chinese-Norwegains came back to Norway from the holiday. They almost do the same: stay at home or isolate themselves at home for 14 days, although it's not required by the Norwegain authority.
Reported by Xiuhua Zhang
Presentations by Officials from FHI and Helsedirektoratet on Coronavirus