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CPN News Index
- CPN 2025蛇年新春联欢会圆满举办 张伟清
- CPN 蛇年春节联欢会邀请函 张伟清
- 凝聚共识,共创未来——2024年CPN年会圆满举行 张伟清
- 2024 CPN 年会 Xinli Wang
- CPN 夏末烧烤聚会 Xinli Wang
- CPN 组织参观Oscarsborg festning Yufeng Zha
- CPN 2024龙年新年晚会 龙腾虎跃的温馨 Qiu WU
- CPN春晚节目征集,1月22日截止日期! Xiuhua Zhang
- CPN20 周年历程: 昨天、今天和 明天! Xiuhua Zhang
- 昨天、今天和明天: CPN二十周年庆典视频征稿 Weiqing Zhang
- 征集CPN2023摄影比赛作品 Qiu Qu
- CPN 仲夏烧烤活动报告 Xingli Wang
- CPN 仲夏节Sankthans烧烤 Xingli Wang
- CPN主办的2023年挪威华人华侨兔年新春联欢晚会获巨大成功! Qiu WU
- CPN2022年会在艳阳的峡湾和船上举行! Xiuhua Zhang
- CPN (2022-24)理事会选举 Junjie Zhu
- CPN2022年会将于9月25日在游轮召开! Xiuhua Zhang
- ERAS 多元文化节将于下周末 9月9日-9月11日在市政厅广场举行 Xingli Wang
- CPN 8月21日(星期天)集体参观新建的国家博物馆 Yufeng Zha
- CPN的5月8日春游通 Xiuhua Zhang
- 2021年度CPN摄影及短视频比赛 大奖花落各家 Qitao Gan
- CPN2022虎年云端春晚圆满举行! Jingmei Zhao
- CPN2022虎年“云”春晚报名开始啦 Jingmei Zhao
- Report of Seminar on 'Let's remove the job-hunting obstacles' Xiuhua Zhang
- 喜迎北京冬奥,华人健儿戏冰壶🥌 Xinli Wang
- Seminar about How to Succeed in job interview from a HR perspective? Xiuhua Zhang
- Workshop on Innovation and Entrepreneurship: How to become a Startup in Norway? Qitao Gan
- Seminar about Project "A new model to find a job": Let’s remove the job-hunting obstacles Xiuhua Zhang
- 11月 CPN 百家讲坛讲座 Gan QItao
- CPN 2021年年会简报 Weiqing Zhang
- CPN 2021年年会通知 Weiqing Zhang
- CPN2021摄影及短视频大赛报名征集中 Jingmei Zhao
- 百家讲坛:"低碳化与新能源",包括海上风电与光伏发电 Qitao Gan
- CPN小朋友在辉笔成画国际青少年绘画大赛中获得二等奖 Jingmei Zhao
- CPN2021牛年云端春晚圆满举行! Jingmei Zhao
- CPN牛年春晚公告 Xiuhua Zhang
- "空中杂谈", CPN会员聊天平台开启! Xiuhua Zhang
- Seminar 3: Towards Successes in Norway Xiuhua Zhang
- The serial of seminars of Innovation and Entrepreneurship began Xiuhua Zhang
- Seminar 2: How to Get Your Dream Job? Xinli Wang
- Seminar 1: What to prepare to become an entrepreneur, and how? Xiuhua Zhang
- CPN Board members/functions Xiuhua Zhang
- CPN2020摄影比赛获奖作品 Jingmei Zhao
- CPN2020年会顺利举行 Xiuhua Zhang
- 百家讲坛报告和PPT Shi Yini
- CPN年会通知 Xiuhua Zhang
- 百家讲坛活动报告(2020-1) Wang Xinli
- CPN百家讲坛 —— 《大数据和5G》 Shi Yini
- CPN 2020理事会选举 选举委员会
- CPN 2020年会/摄影比赛 Xiuhua Zhang
- CPN百家讲坛 —— “投资挪威股市:一点经验与教训” Wang Xinli
- CPN再次为会员发放口罩! Xiuhua Zhang
- 爱心回馈: CPN接受祖国同胞捐赠! Xiuhua Zhang
- CPN Coordinating dialogue with Norwegain health authority about Coronavirus Xiuhua Zhang
- The donation to Wuhan will end soon Cai Xing
- Call for donation to Wuhan Cai Xing
- 2020 CPN 春晚收费的说明 Xiuhua Zhang
- Membership fee for 2020 Xiuhua Zhang
- 2020 CPN Chinese New Year Celebration Party Xiuhua Zhang
- Seminar on NAV employment schemmes held Xiuhua Zhang
- CPN Seminar - Introduction to Norwegian Labour Law for Immigrants Cheng Zeng
- CPN成功举办了与福建省代表团的座谈会 Xiuhua Zhang
- How can NAV help you find a job? A look at employment schemes in Norway Xiuhua Zhang
- 福建省委组织部考察团人才和推介交流会 Zhang Li
- 2019 CPN 年会报道和精美照片 Cai Xing
- 创业创新讲座的报道 Zeng Cheng
- “东方之韵-中国文化之夜”民乐演奏音乐会视频回放 Jia Bin
- “东方之韵-中国文化之夜”民乐演奏音乐会精彩照片 卢薇
- 挪威华人70华诞献礼三部曲 Xiuhua Zhang
- 首届北欧中国创新与科技峰会成功举办 Cai Wei
- CPN年会 (Oct. 6th, 9月27日前报名(延至29日), 报名链接) Shi Yini
- The entrepreneurship seminar (Sept. 24,Registration link) Zeng Cheng
- #The future of possible# Nordic China Tech. Summit at OIW 2019 Xiuhua Zhang
- ERAS多国文化节圆满成功 Xinli Wang
- Great ERAS festival! Xiuhua Zhang
- ERAS多元文化节中国日 Xinli Wang
- 北欧中国创新科技峰会(奥斯陆创新周) 筹备会议邀请函 Kun Yang
- CPN留学生求职分享会总结 Yini Shi
- CPN百家讲坛讲座报告: 中挪文化差异以及挪威语学习建议 Yini Shi
- 欢迎参加CPN留学生求职经验分享会 Shi Yini
- CPN百家讲坛讲座通知: 中挪文化差异以及挪威语学习建议 Shi Yini
- 欢迎参加第二次2019 CPN 交友娱乐活动 - SALSA舞蹈课程 Yun Wang et al
- 交友娱乐活动-Social Dancing Yun Wang et al
- Wonderful and Joyful Party Xiuhua Zhang
- 2019-01-05 CPN New Website is under construction
- 2018-11-26 CPN百家讲坛:基于溶瘤肽的癌症免疫治疗
- 2018-10-18 Happy Birthday to CPN
- 2018-10-17 Report of 2018 CPN Annual Conference
- 2018-10-12 CPN座谈会会谈纪要(10月4日)
- 2018-10-04 CPN摄影大赛已开始进入影展及网上投票阶段
- 2018-09-29 CPN座谈会邀请
- 2018-09-23 CPN年会将于10月14日在Jar Isforum举行 (添加: 年会议程)
- 2018-09-18 2018 CPN 摄影比赛征稿截止日期延长至9月30号
- 2018-09-14 2018 FANTASTISK ERAS FESTIVAL (photo link)
- 2018-08-30 2018 ERAS多元文化节将于周末在奥斯陆市政厅广场举行
- 2018-08-24 北方之路,聚才大道——2018年广西南宁招才引智欧洲行掠影·挪威站
- 2018-08-05 广西南宁引进海外高层次人才和项目推介会(奥斯陆站)
- 2018-07-26 温州大学童欣剧团8月22日奥斯陆演出大型童话剧《小美人鱼》
- 2018-05-17 CPN会员参观Kongsberg的著名银矿
- 2018-05-15 Presentation from CPN 2018 第3次百家讲坛: 投资理财:如何选择基金和风险控制
- 2018-02-12 CPN主席 张秀华 新年致辞
- 2018-02-12 中国旅挪专家学者联合会2018狗年春晚圆满结束!
- 2018-02-12 Ms. Elise Chen: Photos from 2018 CPN Chinese New Year Gala 春晚精彩瞬间
- 2018-02-11 Ms. Li Li: Photos from 2018 CPN Chinese New Year Gala 春晚精彩瞬间
- 2018-02-11 Dr. Cai Xing: Photos from 2018 CPN Chinese New Year Gala 春晚精彩瞬间
- 2018-02-11 Dr. Wang Yunyong:Photos from 2018 CPN Chinese New Year Gala 春晚精彩瞬间
- 2018-01-06 CPN 2018 第一次百家讲坛 - 创新创业座谈会
- 2018-01-03 Registration for CPN 2018 new year party 春晚报名
- 2017-12-19 CPN2018年狗年春节联欢晚会邀请函
- 2017-12-06 2017 CPN 交友娱乐活动-Social Dancing 报告(含2张精美照片和6段视频)
- 2017-11-18 2018春晚节目及主持人征集
- 2017-11-16 CCI Seminar Report: Norwegian Pension System
- 2017-11-13 2017 CPN 交友娱乐活动-Social Dancing
- 2017-11-05 CCI's Workshop held interactively with satisfaction of attendees!
- 2017-10-20 CCI Seminar on: Norwegian Pension System
- 2017-10-04 29.10 CCI Workshop: Manage Business Opportunities and Markets
- 2017-10-04 Photo of CPN Annual Meeting
- 2017-09-27 CPN年会报告(含约30张精美照片)
- 2017-09-25 CPN2017年度摄影比赛获奖作品
- 2017-09-21 CPN 2017摄影比赛将开始网上投票,请大家欣赏佳作并投票选出你喜欢的作品
- 2017-09-05 2017CPN 年会- 暨中秋国庆联欢 CPN Annual Conference, Holmenkollen Park Hotel, 09.24
- 2017-09-01 CCI Workshop: Manage Money and Realize Ideas
- 2017-08-20 CPN Picnic 夏季烧烤联谊活动
- 2017-08-20 “齐鲁之约﹒高端人才及项目合作”推介会
- 2017-08-20 Coming CPN activities
- 2017-07-03 CPN 2017年摄影比赛
- 2017-06-28 Report of CPN Seminar on What can Norway and other western countries gain from Chinese learning culture?
- 2017-06-26 Report for seminar ‘Interview technique and tips – putting your best self forward’
- 2017-05-26 CCI Seminar: Interview techniques and tips - putting your best self forward Monday June 19. 2017 at Litteraturhuset (OPEN)
- 2017-05-23 Report and Pictures from Språk og Kulturfestival 20170520
- 2017-05-10 CPN将参加 Informasjon. Språk og kulturfestival
- 2017-05-04 Konferanse om ”maktfordeling og mangfold ”
- 2017-04-22 Turist i egen by, Sunday,23 April
- 2017-04-20 Report of CPN百家讲坛:挪威个人税法(2016税表及2017税法变动)
- 2017-04-10 CPN百家讲坛:挪威个人税法(2016税表及2017税法变动)
- 2017-01-25 CPN主办华人春晚照片
- 2017-01-23 CPN主办2017年华人春晚获得空前好评
- 2017-01-22 CPN主办华人春晚节目流程
- 2017-01-22 CPN主办华人春晚抽奖影片
- 2016-12-26 2017年挪威华人春晚将于2017年1月21日举行
- 2016-12-26 Blank
- 2016-12-15 2017年华人春晚
- 2016-11-21 Seminar Report: Employment Protection in Norway – How It Works
- 2016-11-17 Photos from CCI Seminar: Employment Protection in Norway – How it Works?
- 2016-11-02 Report of CCI Workshop II Guidance on Entrepreneurship – From Ideas to Results
- 2016-11-02 Photos of 2016 CCI Workshop II Guidance on Entrepreneurship – From Ideas to Results
- 2016-10-23 CCI Seminar: Employment Protection in Norway – How it Works?
- 2016-10-14 New CPN Board for term 2016-18
- 2016-10-10 Guidance on Entrepreneurship – From Ideas to Results
- 2016-10-07 Reward to the Best Business Idea/Proposal
- 2016-10-06 2016 Video of ERAS Festival (photo link)
- 2016-10-03 Report of Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Innovation -2016
- 2016-10-02 2016 Photos of CPN at ERAS
- 2016-09-28 2016 CPN年会圆满结束 新一届理事会选举产生
- 2016-09-26 CPN摄影比赛获奖作品
- 2016-09-26 Photos from CPN Annual Conference
- 2016-09-23 2016 ERAS Festival - 多国文化节将于10月1日到2日在 Oslo Rådhusplass市政厅前广场上举行
- 2016-09-22 2016 ERAS Multi-Cultural Festival
- 2016-09-21 CPN摄影比赛投票已经正式开始
- 2016-09-09 2016 CPN 年会- 暨中秋国庆联欢 摄影比赛发奖
- 2016-09-02 2016 CPN election for new board members
- 2016-08-28 Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- 2016-08-27 CPN 年会 将于9月25日举行
- 2016-08-24 2016年秋季 挪威华商会合作交流会 邀请函 (Invitasjon)
- 2016-08-15 CPN 2016摄影比赛已经开始征稿通知
- 2016-08-08 交友娱乐活动-Social Dancing
- 2016-07-11 CPN arrangements in August and September
- 2016-05-02 CCI Seminar: Knowledge of Job Hunting
- 2016-02-10 羊辞旧岁雪连春,猴接新年喜庆来!
- 2016-02-06 CPN理事会主席张秀华博士新春贺词
- 2016-02-06 Photos from 2016 CPN Chinese New Year Party
- 2016-02-05 Information on CPN Chinese New Year Party 春晚注意事项细节
- 2016-02-02 2016 CPN Chinese New Year Party Program
- 2016-01-12 CPN2016春晚将于2月5日晚6点举行
- 2015-12-15 春晚活动意见征集和报名
- 2015-11-29 会员见面会, 12月7日,星期一下午5点
- 2015-11-10 Report about the workshop on Guidance on Entrepreneurship – Practical Issues
- 2015-11-10 关于CPN邮箱的说明
- 2015-11-10 华人春节晚会CPN会员请柬/入场券发送
- 2015-11-10 Photos from CCI workshop on Guidance on Entrepreneurship – Practical Issues
- 2015-10-27 Summary of the workshop on entrepreneurship and innovation
- 2015-10-26 Photos from 2015 CCI Workshop on 25.10
- 2015-10-06 2015 CCI Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- 2015-10-05 Photos from 2015 CPN annual conference
- 2015-10-04 一起歌唱!
- 2015-10-01 Program for CPN annual meeting, 2nd October
- 2015-09-22 2015 CPN 摄影比赛开始投票
- 2015-09-17 2015 CPN 年会-暨中秋国庆联欢
- 2015-09-13 2015年度CPN摄影比赛投稿日期延长2015年9月20号
- 2015-09-04 CCI Seminar: Job Seeking in Norway – What Can Make You a Better Candidate for the Job?
- 2015-08-23 2015 ERAS多元文化节及CPN野餐
- 2015-07-03 Report of the first CCI seminar about Employment Protection in Norway
- 2015-05-31 Seminar: Employment Protection in Norway – What Are the Basic Rules?
- 2015-04-21 全新交友娱乐活动-Social Dancing , 5月10日
- 2015-04-14 2015年CPN影比赛“难忘瞬间”已开始征集作品
- 2015-03-09 羊年喜洋洋,会员聚欢笑
- 2015-03-06 参加CPN春晚注意事项
- 2015-02-12 CPN羊年新春联欢
- 2015-01-16 新会员见面会报道
- 2015-01-11 CPN 春晚征集节目和主持人
- 2015-01-02 First meeting of CPN new members
- 2014-12-12 The 4th. CCI's seminar of 2014 about "anti-bullying" held successfully
- 2014-12-09 CPN摄影经验交流活动通知
- 2014-11-19 CPN / CCI Seminar: “Anti-bullying” (“mot mobbing”)
- 2014-11-11 Report after the CPN annual meeting 2014
- 2014-10-28 Photos from 2014 CPN annual conference
- 2014-10-27 2014年CPN摄影比赛获奖公布
- 2014-10-20 大型交友活动 缘聚•奥斯陆
- 2014-10-17 常常被围攻,从未被攻破, 但这周末却被中国人占领了!
- 2014-10-16 Voting for 2014 CPN OXLO photography competition opens
- 2014-10-14 CPN annual meeting on Saturday 25. Oct. 16:00 at Ullevål Business Class
- 2014-10-12 Photos from CPN trip to Halden and Strømstad
- 2014-10-09 CPN Seminar - Norwegian Labor Law and Trade Union
- 2014-09-29 CPN bus trip to Halden and Strømstad on Saturday 11. October
- 2014-09-26 CPN 2104 Photographs Competition Submission Deadline postponed to October 10
- 2014-09-25 A Satisfied Visit to Hadeland Bio-industries
- 2014-09-22 外拍摄影活动通知 Autumn outdoor photography
- 2014-09-12 CPN 2104年摄影比赛现已开始征集参赛作品 CPN 2104 Photo Competition
- 2014-09-09 First seminar of CCI in 2014 held
- 2014-09-09 2014: A successful ERAS festival again
- 2014-09-04 Meeting with Norwegian Industry – A visit to Hadeland's Biofarms of bioenergy and waste management
- 2014-07-11 CCI Seminar: Norwegian Models for Solving Conflicts and Seeking Jobs as Migrants in Norway
- 2014-06-04 2014 CPN Summer Barbecue Party on Saturday 21. June
- 2014-05-23 CPN摄影爱好者经验交流聚会通知
- 2014-05-06 CPN摄影活动通知
- 2014-01-16 CPN 春节联欢团拜会-- 2014年1月31日下午 18点,Forskningsparken
- 2014-01-16 Summary for the joint seminar about "raising kids" and "barnevernet" by CPN Junior Club and CPN
- 2013-10-23 Bridging People and Businesses! - 10-Year Anniversary of Chinese Professionals in Norway
- 2013-10-22 CPN Junior Club seminar: Raising children in a different culture and society
- 2013-10-22 CPN seminar about social manner and socializing with Norwegians
- 2013-10-18 The site is partially back.
- 2013-09-23 Seeking Test Persons
- 2013-09-11 CPN Annual Meeting 2013 and Moon Festival Celebration, 21st September
- 2013-09-09 Information to all CPN members before the annual meeting
- 2013-09-05 Report of the guided tour of Stortinget
- 2013-09-02 CPN 10 years photography competition / CPN十年回顾摄影作品征稿
- 2013-09-02 2013 Report of ERAS festival
- 2013-08-30 Report of the getting together for enslige innvandrere
- 2013-08-27 2013: Pictures of ERAS and Grillfest taken by Dr. YunYong Wang
- 2013-08-22 Visiting the Norwegian Parliament (Stortinget), 4th September
- 2013-08-06 Summer Barbeque Gathering of CCI, 24th August, 17.00pm
- 2013-08-06 2013: The 6th ERAS Multiple Culture Festival, 24th August, 12.00-21.00
- 2013-06-13 Photos from panel debate of Norwegian top politicians on parliament election
- 2013-05-09 Face-to-face meeting with top Norwegian politicians
- 2013-05-09 CPN Seminar on Job hunting strategies and Norwegian Labor Law
- 2013-04-17 Seminar report: Aker Solutions in Norwegian Oil and Gas industry
- 2013-03-04 Seminar : Aker Solutions in Norwegian Oil and Gas industry
- 2013-02-04 Great sucess and joy of 2013 CPN Chinese New Year Party
- 2013-01-10 Celebration of 2013 Chinese New Year
- 2013-01-04 Table tennis this Saturday (Jan. 5) 14:00-17:00
- 2012-12-21 CPN table tennis tournament 2012 final results
- 2012-12-14 About Table Tennis Tournament 2012
- 2012-12-13 CPN member Wenjie Wei successfully defended his PhD thesis
- 2012-12-07 CPN traditional Chinese New Year party will be held on Saturday Feb. 2. 2013
- 2012-11-07 Successful IMDi seminar regarding how to raise immigrants' children
- 2012-10-19 CPN seminar "Job hunting in Norway", by Renjie Shao, Erik Leung, November 15th 2012
- 2012-10-12 New CPN board for next two years
- 2012-10-08 Wonderful weekend trip to Rjukan
- 2012-10-02 CPN seminar "Strengthen your child's self-esteem" by Kristin G. Haug, October 31, 2012 17:00
- 2012-09-30 Prizes of 2012 CPN OXLO Photo Competition «Norge i innvandrernes øyne» announced
- 2012-09-19 CPN Annual Conference Online Registration Open
- 2012-09-16 2012 CPN Board Election Announcement
- 2012-09-11 Voting for 2012 CPN photo competition
- 2012-09-11 Summary of mushroom tour
- 2012-09-11 CPN annual conference, and celebrate Mid-autumn festival and Chinese national day on Sunday 30th Sept. 15:00-19:00, at Forskningsparken
- 2012-09-05 CPN weekend trip to Rjukan from Friday 5. October to Sunday 7. October
- 2012-08-31 Sopptur 2012
- 2012-08-26 CPN摄影比赛”移民眼中的挪威”.将要延长征稿时间一周
- 2012-08-07 [CPN][CPN Junior Club] 邀请您参加8月25日举行的烧烤活动
- 2012-08-03 Welcome to Join the CPN Getting Together Party 2012 (August 4)
- 2012-06-05 2012: Welcome to ERAS Festival 2012
- 2012-06-04 Photography seminar “Light and composition”
- 2012-05-22 Job searching and everyday life in Norway
- 2012-05-15 OXLO Fotokonkurranse og utstilling “Norge i innvandrernes øyne”
- 2012-05-09 IMDi Project Kick-off & Gathering successfully held
- 2012-04-10 2012 IMDi Project Kick-off & Gathering
- 2012-04-03 Seminar: Introduction to selected legal topics for working immigrants in Norway
- 2012-04-01 3月25号CPN在Oslo的Bygdøy举办摄影交流活动
- 2012-02-10 CPN Ski Day 2012
- 2012-01-16 CPN president Dr. Wang Xinli received 2011 the Top10 Immigrant Award!
- 2012-01-14 感谢参加CPN的春节晚会,祝大家身体健康,龙年吉祥!
- 2012-01-13 2012 CPN Chinese New Year Party performance run down
- 2012-01-13 Premiene annonsert for 2011 OXLO Fotokonkurranse og Utstilling: "Innvandreres liv i Norge"
- 2011-12-22 CPN - Chinese New Year festival on Saturday 14. Jan. 2012 at Forskiningsparken
- 2011-12-21 Ski Day 2011
- 2011-11-28 Å stemme på nettet - OXLO Fotokonkurranse og Utstilling: "Innvandreres liv i Norge"
- 2011-11-07 Brief of CPN annual meeting 2011
- 2011-11-02 Seminar about teenager immigrants on Nov 15th. 2011, 17:00-19:30 at Undervisningsrom 1 in UiO´s blibrary
- 2011-10-09 IMDi seminar: Om Norsk arbeidsmiljøloven By Guro Jansdotter Skåre, EMI photopgraph competition By Ji SU, and CPN annual meeting
- 2011-09-29 OXLO Fotokonkurranse og Utstilling: "Innvandreres liv i Norge"
- 2011-09-28 Successful social gathering in late summer -- Blaafarveværket visit
- 2011-09-23 IMDi Project Gathering – sopp tur 2011
- 2011-09-23 CPN annual meeting 8th Oct., 16.00 pm
- 2011-08-24 CPN gathering to Blaafarveværket on Saturday 17. Sept. 2011
- 2011-08-04 2011 summer barbecue festival at Sognsvan
- 2011-07-08 Bordtenniskonkurranse - et CPN projekt sponset av IMDi
- 2011-06-15 CPN Photo Competition 2011
- 2011-06-13 Another successful IMDi seminar about job hunting
- 2011-06-13 2011: Picture of CPN ERAS Festival
- 2011-05-30 2011: ERAS multicultual festival on Saturday 11. June
- 2011-05-19 IMDi seminar - Job hunting and seeking
- 2011-05-10 A Successful Beginning of the Project!
- 2011-04-28 Project Kick-off & Gathering - Kompetansesenter for Innvandrere
- 2011-04-05 CPN's seminar on Chinese next phase development and cross-cultural communication and leadership
- 2011-03-07 Seminar: A Norwegian Chinese expert’s views on cross-cultural communication and leadership
- 2011-02-12 Pictures from the Kung-Fu show
- 2011-01-24 Kung-Fu Show Lørdag 12 Februar Oslo Konserthus
- 2011-01-17 Registration for CPN Chinese new year party
- 2011-01-16 CPN new years party 2011
- 2010-12-12 CPN Ski Day on Sunday 19 Dec. at Tryvann
- 2010-11-17 CPN Seminar: "Introduction about Norwegian culture, history and society", "Employment law and labor protection" on Thursday Dec. 2nd. 5-8pm at ForskningsParken
- 2010-10-31 From CPN annual conference 2010
- 2010-10-31 神州学人2010年海外高层次人才网络视频招聘会通知
- 2010-10-13 Seminar about "Parenting & Teaching" on October 20th
- 2010-10-07 Brief info about CPN annual conference
- 2010-10-05 Report of CPN Annual Meeting 2010
- 2010-10-05 Photos from CPN annual meeting
- 2010-10-03 Winners of CPN photo competition 2010
- 2010-09-27 Nomination to new CPN board members
- 2010-09-23 Reminder of CPN Annual meeting, 2nd October
- 2010-09-23 CPN Annual meeting, 2nd October
- 2010-09-19 Online voting for CPN's photo competition 2010
- 2010-09-07 Gathering No. 2 – picnic with nature adventure
- 2010-07-29 CPN summer fest at Gressholmen - New Date: Sunday, 15th August
- 2010-07-29 邀请您参加8月8日举行的CPN烧烤活动 -- 延至8月15日
- 2010-06-04 2010: ERAS parade 19th June, Youngstorget
- 2010-05-11 CPN photo competition 2010
- 2010-05-06 CPN's donation for Yushu earthequake help - 2nd transferring
- 2010-05-03 CPN project application and results
- 2010-04-22 Announcement of CPN on donation for people in Yushu earthquake
- 2010-04-13 CPN seminar about "Reservation or Abolishment of the Death Penalty under international law"
- 2010-03-08 CPN seminar about air pollution in China
- 2010-02-09 Hong Fei's artwork at New Nordic Art Exhibition at Voksenåsen Culture center, Oslo from 14. Feb. to 5. March
- 2010-02-08 The Chinese New Year Celebrating will continue after the great CPN party
- 2010-01-14 2010 CPN Spring Festival Party
- 2009-11-03 28.november Frist for registrering - Top 10 - 2009
- 2009-10-28 Presentation slides about Oslo Adult Education Service Centre
- 2009-10-01 Program for the CPN annual meeting
- 2009-09-30 Topics for discussion at CPN's annual meeting
- 2009-09-18 CPN annual conference and celebration of national day and moon festival
- 2009-09-16 Online vote for CPN's photo competition
- 2009-08-19 CPN seminar about Hamsun by Prof. Chengzhou He
- 2009-08-19 CPN Picnic at Sognsvann on 23rd Aug 2009
- 2009-06-25 2009 CPN photo competition
- 2009-06-12 2009: Updated ERAS Festival details
- 2009-06-11 2009: Reminder: ERAS festival participation on 13th June
- 2009-06-08 2009: ERAS multicultual festival at Youngstorget on Saturday 13th June
- 2009-06-05 Competition on 'A smater Norway'
- 2009-05-15 Last notice: 17 Mai CPN activity!
- 2009-01-31 CPN seminar about China Hydroelectric Project Construction
- 2009-01-29 Invitation for breakfast meeting about EXPO Shanghai 2010
- 2009-01-13 Zhang Xiuhua wins Top 10 Immigrant Award 2008
- 2009-01-08 Poster of Chinese New Year Party 2009 (Chinese version)
- 2009-01-08 Chinese New Year Concert 2009
- 2008-12-10 Poster av kinesisk nyttårsfest 2009 (Norsk versjon)
- 2008-12-08 Membership fee for 2008, Chinese new year party 2009
- 2008-11-25 CPN's Christmas party for children, Dec. 20
- 2008-10-16 Survey for improvement of CPN web and mailinglist
- 2008-10-08 Revised CPN constitution and activities
- 2008-10-07 Seminar about music by Mr. Cai Dasheng
- 2008-09-30 Winners of the CPN 2008 photo competition
- 2008-09-30 Fee for party and membership 2008
- 2008-09-28 Briefs of CPN annual conference
- 2008-09-28 CPN Choir singing at annual meeting yesterday
- 2008-09-24 Vote online: CPN Board Election
- 2008-09-23 Voting NOW: 2008 CPN photo competition
- 2008-09-19 Program of CPN Annual Conference 2008
- 2008-09-12 Online registration of CPN annual meeting and holiday celebrations
- 2008-09-11 CPN board candidates
- 2008-09-01 Cooking club - learn to make Moon Cake
- 2008-08-31 CPN Annual conference 2008 and moon festival celebration
- 2008-06-23 Successful action of CPN on Sunday, 22 June
- 2008-06-16 CPN donation list as of June 16, 2008
- 2008-06-12 Donation status (27 May)
- 2008-05-24 CPN Donation status as of 23rd May
- 2008-05-20 CPN donation status (due 19 May)
- 2008-05-20 CPN donation status (May 16 evening)
- 2008-05-16 CPN action to the earthquake (norsk versjon)
- 2008-05-16 Donation action Status
- 2008-05-14 CPN action to the earthquake
- 2008-03-26 CPN Seminar: Economic Growth in China
- 2008-03-07 NCCC member meeting on Mar. 13
- 2008-03-07 CV for Expert database
- 2008-03-03 CPN Seminar Announcement: Prof. Xu Chongyu ---- "Climate Change & Water Resources: Present Achievement & Challenges"
- 2008-02-29 First activity in our cooking club
- 2008-02-23 30 new members joined!
- 2008-02-12 Please do not forget them...
- 2008-02-12 Thank you for a great party yesterday!
- 2008-02-12 Info on other CPN Mailing list
- 2008-01-31 CPN new online service - member information
- 2008-01-31 CPN new online service - Calendar
- 2008-01-31 CPN Photo competition
- 2008-01-31 CPN new online service - Join CPN online
- 2008-01-31 CPN annual conference 2007