• warning: include(Photography/2016/pic_list.inc.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/1/4/4/cpn2003.no/httpd.www/CM/includes/common.inc(1796) : eval()'d code on line 2.
  • warning: include(): Failed opening 'Photography/2016/pic_list.inc.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /customers/1/4/4/cpn2003.no/httpd.www/CM/includes/common.inc(1796) : eval()'d code on line 2.
  • warning: Undefined variable $pic_list in /customers/1/4/4/cpn2003.no/httpd.www/CM/includes/common.inc(1796) : eval()'d code on line 3.
  • warning: Undefined variable $thumb in /customers/1/4/4/cpn2003.no/httpd.www/CM/includes/common.inc(1796) : eval()'d code on line 30.
  • warning: Undefined variable $multi_thumbs in /customers/1/4/4/cpn2003.no/httpd.www/CM/includes/common.inc(1796) : eval()'d code on line 50.


2016年度CPN 摄影比赛开始进行网上投票


欢迎大家访问 www.cpn2003.no 网站去欣赏影展,与摄影师分享快乐,美好的瞬间。



投票截止日期为 9 月 24 日12时, 评奖结果将在9月25日CPN年会上公布.

To vote: http://photo.cpn2003.no/


2016 CPN 年会- 暨中秋国庆联欢 摄影比赛发奖

2016 CPN Election

中秋佳节即将来临,国庆的脚步也伴着金秋的凉爽走向我们,CPN一年一度的年会将于9月25日在风景秀丽的Holmenkollen Park Hotel 举行!在同一地点,从中午12点到下午5点,我们将组织创新创业研讨会 (Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Innovation - 2016),也欢迎各位前来参加,具体信息见 http://workinginnorway.no .


  • 5.00-5.30 注册登录,自由交谈
  • 5.30-6.00 中秋国庆庆祝,摄影比赛颁奖
  • 6.00-7.00 晚餐
  • 7.00-7.50 CPN年度报告,财务报告,理事会选举,章程讨论。

2016 CPN election for new board members

Voting will be carried on site of the meeting. No online voting this time.
2016 CPN Election

CPN annual meeting 2016 is scheduled on Sunday, 25th September. This year, we will have our bi-annual election for a new board of term 2016-18. The election will take place by online-vote and vote in place at the annual meeting.

Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Innovation

2016 CCI Workshop
  • Time: 25th September, 2016 (Add to your calendar)
  • Place: Holmenkollen Park Hotel, Oslo (More info)
  • Target Audience: Immigrants
  • Organizer: The Competence Center for Immigrants (CCI)

To be an entrepreneur or to be a worker? This is a concern to many including immigrants with or without a job. This one-day workshop will address the entrepreneurship funding possibilities and important issues for being an entrepreneur, as well as some fundamental knowledge about entrepreneurship, along with successful stories. The experienced speakers are from both public and private sectors, also well-established entrepreneurs who are immigrants themselves with backgrounds from Asia and Europe. Intended attendees are immigrants who aspire to start their own business or become self-employed workers.

The workshop is free of charge and attendees must register online at http://workinginnorway.no/node/8425 . The deadline of registration is 18th September. Please note that the registration is binding. No show after registration will be charged with the actual expense per person.


Seminar 5 - CPN 百家讲坛:挪威的路径设计与风景呈现 ---9月5号下午5点奥大

2016 CPN 百家讲坛





CPN 2016摄影比赛已经开始征稿通知

2015 CPN 摄影比赛

CPN 2016年度摄影比赛已经开始征稿。



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