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2016 CPN election for new board members
![2016 CPN Election](/sites/default/files/page_attachments/2016/AnnualMeeting/cpn_election_2016b.jpg)
CPN annual meeting 2016 is scheduled on Sunday, 25th September. This year, we will have our bi-annual election for a new board of term 2016-18. The election will take place by online-vote and vote in place at the annual meeting.
For those of you who are passionate to contribute to a better CPN in the future, or simply want to share/gain management skills and experiences, CPN welcomes you as a board member candidate.
As board members, you must be prepared to work for CPN with your spare time. Some of the responsibilities for being a CPN board member include:
- Plan, organize, and carry out CPN activities
- Attend board meetings and external meetings
- Write proposals and reports
- Provide valuable opinions/suggestions with your best efforts to make CPN a better place for its members
- Serve to our members with their individual needs when needed.
All CPN members have the right to elect or to be elected as a board member. A candidate can be nominated by yourself or another member. The nomination will be sent to and collected by the election committee. Please send an email to and provide information with candidate's name, picture and a short description about why/what you would serve to CPN, and how by using the attached form. CPN will publish all candidates' information above at our website for voting.
Some important dates are scheduled as below:
- 20 September: Nomination for candidates and email to,
- 21-23 September: online voting
- 25 September: vote at annual meeting and announcement of CPN Board members.
Wish all of our members actively join the election. Looking forwards seeing your nomination and voting!
Zhao Jingmei, Liu Yi, Luan Tu
CPN Election Committee 2016
Candidate form [ in MS Word] or [ in LibreOffice / OpenOffice] (To download a copy of the free LibreOffice OpenOffice)
2016年是两年一次的选举年,因有三位理事会成员因工作变动,不能继续担任理事会成员,希望大家自荐或推荐有能力愿为CPN服务的会员. 联系方法:发邮件到选举委员会信箱 election2016 @ 选举委员会会另发信息给大家。