The 4th. CCI's seminar of 2014 about "anti-bullying" held successfully

CPN Seminar

On Dec 1st, CPN arranged the 4th. IMDi seminar of the year with the theme of immigrant kids growing up in Norway. We were pleased to have Mr. Knut Rinden from Barnevakten as the speaker of this seminar. He talked about “anti-bullying”, called “mot-mobbing” in Norwegian, which is a heated topic in Norwegian society.


2014 Photo Competition






CPN / CCI Seminar: “Anti-bullying” (“mot mobbing”)

CPN Seminar

Location: Litteraturhuset, Kverneland (2nd. floor),

Time: December 1st., Monday, 2014, 17:30-19:30

Speaker: Mr. Knut Rinden from Barnebakten

Report after the CPN annual meeting 2014

CPN had a quite successful annual meeting after an interesting IMDi-project seminar on Saturday 25th October 2014.

At the seminar, senior advisor Mr. Claus Jervell talked about the working conditions in Norway: what rights an employee has and where to find helps to ensure these rights. Mr. Jervell’s presentation was full of useful information and hits. All participants were so engaged that the questions and discussions took more time than originally planned. We got very good feedback for this seminar afterwards.

Photos from 2014 CPN annual conference

Photos takn by Su Ji
2014 CPN annual conference2014 CPN annual conference2014 CPN annual conference
2014 CPN annual conference2014 CPN annual conference2014 CPN annual conference
2014 CPN annual conference2014 CPN annual conference2014 CPN annual conference


2014 Photo Competition

现将CPN 2014年摄影比赛结果公布。 并对获奖人员致以祝贺。

1等奖: 陈薇

2等奖: 石敏, 永芳

3等奖: 洪菲, 刘慧佳,李莉

鼓励奖: 周俊,张剑雄, Suanna Chen, 奚浪。

没有到场领奖的获奖人请尽快和洪菲联系,商议领取奖品事宜。 电话 41192386.

[获奖照片 PPT] [获奖照片 PDF]

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