You are hereInformation on CPN membership / 2025 CPN Membership payment records
2025 CPN Membership payment records
Note: Your payment may not be shown here, the possible reasons include (下列两情况下,您的付款记录可能未列出)
- If the transferring was made recently (您最近刚刚缴费).You can find your payment registered at the end of the month if you pay the member fee before 25th of this month (当月25日以前缴费的可在本月底查询缴费情况).
- If you did not use member ID / Payment ID when you made the transfer (您缴费时未使用会员号或者Payment ID).
You can also send a confirmation message to your mailbox by filling in your email address (which you used to register as CPN member) at the bottom of this page (在本页底部填入您登记CPN会员时使用的邮件地址,可以自动发一个确认邮件到您的邮箱).
ID | Amount | ID | Amount | ID | Amount | ID | Amount | ID | Amount |
0011****** | 250 | 0103****** | 250 | 0107****** | 250 | 0113****** | 350 | 0125****** | 250 |
0147****** | 250 | 0155****** | 250 | 0162****** | 250 | 0175****** | 250 | 0176****** | 250 |
0189****** | 250 | 0199****** | 250 | 0217****** | 250 | 0219****** | 250 | 0225****** | 250 |
0228****** | 250 | 0232****** | 232 | 0236****** | 300 | 0243****** | 250 | 0270****** | 250 |
0273****** | 300 | 0277****** | 250 | 0298****** | 300 | 0299****** | 250 | 0304****** | 250 |
0305****** | 250 | 0312****** | 250 | 0328****** | 250 | 0333****** | 250 | 0341****** | 250 |
0364****** | 250 | 0382****** | 250 | 0385****** | 250 | 0399****** | 300 | 0411****** | 500 |
0471****** | 250 | 0543****** | 250 | 0652****** | 250 | 0657****** | 250 | 0661****** | 500 |
0667****** | 250 | 0675****** | 300 | 0688****** | 300 | 0700****** | 250 | 0710****** | 250 |
0753****** | 250 | 0775****** | 250 | 0795****** | 250 | 0798****** | 250 | 0809****** | 250 |
0820****** | 250 | 0903****** | 250 | 0929****** | 250 | 0931****** | 250 | 0932****** | 250 |
0939****** | 250 | 0945****** | 250 | 0950****** | 500 | 1038****** | 250 | 1047****** | 300 |
1137****** | 250 | 1187****** | 250 | 1192****** | 250 | 1222****** | 250 | 1224****** | 250 |
1249****** | 250 | 1256****** | 250 | 1284****** | 666 | 1292****** | 250 | 1314****** | 250 |
1315****** | 250 | 1328****** | 250 | 1344****** | 250 | 1345****** | 250 | 1350****** | 250 |
1354****** | 250 | 1368****** | 250 | 1372****** | 500 | 1429****** | 250 | 1434****** | 250 |
1441****** | 250 | 1442****** | 250 | 1447****** | 250 | 1451****** | 250 | 1463****** | 250 |
1483****** | 250 | 1486****** | 250 | 1494****** | 250 | 1495****** | 250 | 1502****** | 250 |
1513****** | 250 | 1514****** | 250 | 1521****** | 250 | 1524****** | 250 | 1525****** | 250 |
1527****** | 250 | 1531****** | 250 | 1532****** | 250 | 1533****** | 250 | 1538****** | 250 |
1540****** | 250 | 1541****** | 250 | 1543****** | 250 | 1545****** | 250 | 1551****** | 250 |
1563****** | 250 | 1568****** | 250 | 1569****** | 250 | 1571****** | 250 | 1572****** | 250 |
1573****** | 250 | 1575****** | 250 | 1577****** | 125 | 1578****** | 250 | 1579****** | 250 |
1580****** | 250 | 1581****** | 250 | 1582****** | 250 | 1583****** | 250 | 1584****** | 250 |
1585****** | 250 |
To send a payment received confirmation to your mailbox
If we could find a match (paid and registered) to the email address filled in, a message including your CPN membership payment information will be send to the address automatically after you click Submit. Otherwise no message will be send.