You are hereCCI Workshop: Manage Money and Realize Ideas
CCI Workshop: Manage Money and Realize Ideas
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The full announcement in MS Word and PDF
- Time: 24 September, 2017
- Place: Holmenkollen Park Hotel, Oslo (see below for the location on Google map and how to get there by public transportation)
- Target Audience: Immigrants
- Organizer: The Competence Center for Immigrants (CCI)
Money and business ideas are very important for anyone and any business although other facts will affect also doing business. How to manage money to gain the best benefit or profits? How to develop new ideas to run the business, and eventually realize them into success? This half-day workshop will address those issues by two experienced experts from an investor's perspective and an entrepreneur's view of point, respectively.
The workshop is free of charge, but all attendees must register online at The deadline of registration is 20th September. Please note that the registration is binding. No show after registration will be charged with the actual expense per person.
- 12:00-13:00 Registration, lunch and social networking
- 13:00-14:30 Managing the money, Stein Ivar Rudfoss, Handelsbanken – Kapital market (Speech in Norwegian and questions in English)
- 14:30-15:00 Coffee/tea break together with Chinese mooncakes
- 15:00-16:00 Manage your ideas to success, Wilhelm Rosenlund, Metodo AS
- 16:00-16:40 Role playing and summary
Welcome to the workshop!
CCI, The Competence Center for Immigrants
The Competence Center for Immigrants (CCI, ‘Kompetansesenter for Innvandrere' in Norwegian) has since 2010 been operated by Chinese Professionals in Norway (CPN,, with the financial support from The Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi). The aim of this center is to offer practical information and contact opportunities to the new immigrants and help them quickly adapt to the working environment and Norwegian society. The main target group of CCI is new labor migrants and their family members. See for more information.
Location of the hotel:
How to get there by public transportation: