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Summary of mushroom tour

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By Yunyong.Wang - Posted on 11 September 2012

CPN arranged a successful mushroom tour around Sognsvann on Sunday 9. September 2012. Around 20 persons including 4 children joined the activity with their enthusiasm. We started out at 13:15pm. For many, this was the first time to pick up mushroom in Norwegian forest near to the city as part Norwegian culture for many Norwegians.
We have learned some knowledge about different mushrooms with help from ’Norges sopp- og nyttevekstforbund’, and gain experiences like where and how to find mushrooms in the forest. After the trip, we have got a lot about practical tips on how to distinguish good, edible and dangerous mushrooms. All participants were happy with great interests and will go to the forest again in this high season for picking up mushroom by their own. No one got lost and hurt in the forest during this tour.