You are hereCPN Seminar: "Introduction about Norwegian culture, history and society", "Employment law and labor protection" on Thursday Dec. 2nd. 5-8pm at ForskningsParken

CPN Seminar: "Introduction about Norwegian culture, history and society", "Employment law and labor protection" on Thursday Dec. 2nd. 5-8pm at ForskningsParken

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By admin - Posted on 17 November 2010

Dear all,

CPN is going to arrange a seminar on Thursday Dec. 2nd. 2010, from 17:00 to 20:00 at ForskningsParken. This seminar is a part of CPN's project, "A better start for working immigrants and their family", supported by IMDi (The Directorate of Integration and Diversity). The seminar is devided in two parts:

17:00 - 18:00 Title: "Intruduction about Norwegian culture, history and society"

Speaker: Mr. Ole Willy Sandbekk, Director, The Norwegian ministry of government administration, reform and church affairs

18:00 - 19:00 Title: "Norwegian employment law and labor protection"

Speaker: Mrs. Guro Jansdotter Skåre, Employment Protection Ombudsman, Bærum Kommune

19:00 - 20:00 Question and discussion. Self-serviced Chinese food will be available.

Mr. Ole Willy Sandbekk has worked many years in the govenment as a top lead and politician. He know quite well how Norwegian sociaty and political systems work today as well as yesterday. Mrs. Guro Jansdotter Skåre has wide experiences at health and labor protection sector. She works at one of the biggest municipalities in Norway - Bærum, as a labor protection representative - the watching dog for employees regarding to the working environment.

To sign up for the event, please go to CPN project website:

The deadline for registration is on Sunday Nov. 28. 2010.

You can find the location description at this link:

Welcome and looking forward to see you all!

Best regards,

Xinli Wang
/CPN board