You are hereMembership fee for 2008, Chinese new year party 2009

Membership fee for 2008, Chinese new year party 2009

By Xiuhua.Zhang - Posted on 08 December 2008

Dear all,

CPN board had the second meeting last Sunday. New year celebration and project applications are the major issues discussed at the meeting.

I would like to reminder those who haven’t paid membership fee for 2008, please do it asap, before the end of this year. CPN will apply both for organization and activity support from Oslo Kommune within deadline 31 Jan 2009. Regarding to the organization support, they need formal statement from bank by a certified revision company to report CPN membership paid for 2008. The total number of members will decide how much CPN can get for the support. CPN board members are working hard to formulate more projects based on the requirements. Please pay it to CPN account 0539.20.86295 (PostBanken). Therefore, the membership fee has to be paid by bank transaction.

CPN is going to have Chinese new year party at Forskingsparken, 24th Jan.2009, 16.00 pm. Please make the date available. We will invite Norwegian guests as did last year. Detailed information about the new year party will be given shortly. Some changes will be made according to the feedback from the earlier parties. We wish more professional performance from our members and use this party as a communication platform for our members with Norwegian environments.

Thanks you for your support!

Xiuhua Zhang

CPN President