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Seminar 5 CPN 2015 最后一次百家论坛: 在挪威创业问答
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由于时间和人力有限,我们准备将此次活动与IMDI的项目结合,讲座地点是Fredrikstad Høyskolen i Østfold大学,Fredrikstad是挪威的一座城市,位于东福尔郡。它位于格洛马河的入海口。市中心位于格洛马河西岸,而东岸的老城则是北欧保存最好的城堡。在大巴内,搞快速交友活动,并参观城市,回程时顺路去挪瑞边境Nordby购物。
1. 参加者包括儿童,每人收费50kr,即按座位收费,每个座位50kr。请于11月1日前将相关费用汇入CPN账号:DNB bank, nr: 0539.5799691
2. CPN提供便餐, 饮料自带
- 9:00 – 11:00 Start-out to Fredrikstad Høyskolen i Østfold
- Speed dating in the bus
- Individual Guidance
- 11:00-12:30 Lectures on Practical Issues to Become an Entrepreneur
- Enterprise Registration Dr. Linmei Nie, Centre for Sustainable Development and Innovation of Water Technology
- Tax Paying and Reporting, to be decided.
- 12:30-14:00 Visit local community
- 14:00- 16:00 Back to Oslo
Gather point and detail schedule
The time plan is scheduled as below:
- 08:50 – Gather at Brynseng T-bane Station in the front of Peppers Pizza shop (see the attached map). You can take T-bane 2, 3, 4 or bus 23 to Brynseng station (Ruter, T-Bane), or the local train to Bryn station (Ruter, NSB). (A map for the gathering point is shown below.)
- 09:00 – Two busses leave for Fredrikstad, Speed dating takes place in the buss
- 11:00 – 13:00 Seminar and Lunch at Fredrikstad Høyskolen i Østfold (Pizza will be severed)
- 13:00 – 14:00 Visit old town by local guide
- 14:00 – One buss leaves for Nordby shopping center in Sweden.
- 14:00 – The other buss leaves for Oslo.
- 16:00 – Buss leaves for Oslo from Nordby. Back to Oslo before 18:00
The weather looks pretty good with sunshine on the day. The registration is binded and no-show persons will be charged for 200 kr. There are luggage places and toilet in the buses for use.
All participants have to follow the instructions given by the trip leaders and come back to the busses on time. You are also responsible for your own safety in Fredrikstad and Sweden. In case you need more information, please contact Xinli Wang at 95129678 or Xiuhua Zhang, 99705188.
Enjoy a nice trip together!
因要根据人数订车,请大家决定参加后,报名,缴费,恕不退款,截止日期为11月1日(已延至11月5日),网址是: 。
了解 Fredrikstad Høgskolen i Østfold 更多的信息