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Bing ZHAO - 2014 CPN board election - candidate

By admin - Posted on 22 October 2014

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Bing Zhao


Degree and University:
Master of technology / Industrial Economic and Technology Management / NTNU

Working Organization and Position:
DNB / Corporate Trainee

Experience in social work including contribution to CPN
Helped plan and hosted Chinese New Year Festival in 2014

Board Member of Alarga – a network and scholarship promoting intercultural competencies in Norway
Former Vice President in PR for Chinese Student Union in Trondheim

Why do you want to serve to CPN as a board member
I am very proud of CPN’s work in uniting Chinese professionals and promoting Chinese culture and heritage in Norway in a constructive and positive way.

With my Norwegian-Chinese background, I hope to contribute to even closer collaboration between CPN and the Norwegian society.

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