You are here2014 Election for new CPN board members / Nomination for candidates of CPN board 2014-2016 starts from 8th October
Nomination for candidates of CPN board 2014-2016 starts from 8th October
Nomination of the CPN board member term 2014-16 starts 8th and ends 18th October. The candidates can be nominated by themselves or others. However, all nominates including current board members, should be informed and fill out this form to be qualified as candidates by the Election Committee. More information about the board election can be found at Online voting will follow after.
Each candidate, including the current board members who want to serve CPN in the next term, is requested to fill up the enclosed form and return back to the elction committee at no later than 18th October.
Thank you in advance for your active participation!
Best regards,
Jie Xiang
On behalf of CPN Election Committee 2014