You are hereNew CPN Board for term 2016-18
New CPN Board for term 2016-18
CPN Board has held the first board meeting 13th October. The board members followed the CPN constitution and elected Dr. Zhang Xiuhua as the CPN President and allocated other 8 board members to different posts as follows:
- Vice President/PR, Dr. Wang Xinli
- Vice President/Program Manager, Dr. Cai Xing
- Vice President/HR, Ms. Li Li
- Vice President/Culture, Dr. Wang Yun
- Vice President/Sports, Mr. Shao Renjie
- Vice President/Academic Affairs, Mr. Zhang Li
- Vice President/Business Affairs, Mr. Su Ji
- Vice President/Young Talents, Mr. Zeng Cheng
The CPN board thanks all supports from CPN members in the past and wishes to develop CPN further by actively involving more members in the future CPN activities.
Info of board members
Click the link below to read more about the board members.