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About CPN

Introduction of CPN

Founded in October 2003, Chinese Professionals in Norway (CPN) is a non-governmental, non-profit and non-political organization registered in Norway. Members of CPN encompass people of Chinese heritage who live in Norway and have a minimum of college education. The objectives of CPN are to strengthen the interaction between Chinese professionals living in Norway and to promote collaboration between China and Norway in the fields of science, technology, culture, and business.

Currently, CPN has over 400 members, among those about 1/3 hold a PhD degree, and more than half hold a master's degree. According to the Statistical Central Bureau of Norway, the members of CPN have the highest education level among all immigrants organizations in Norway. The background of the CPN members covers natural science, social science, medical science, humanism, engineering, music, art and architecture. Three of the CPN member were awarded the Top 10 first-generation immigrants' prize in 2005 and 2008, 2009 respectively.

Using its member specialists, CPN regularly holds academic seminars and has provided consultancy to several governmental Norway-China projects, CPN has also received numerous delegations from China. With expertise in consulting, training, project matching and human resources, CPN aims to provide its excellent service to collaborators in Norway and China.