You are hereRegistration for gathering: Bridging People and Businesses! - CPN 10-year Anniversary
Registration for gathering: Bridging People and Businesses! - CPN 10-year Anniversary
To celebrate CPN's 10-year anniversary, a full-evening event will be arranged, including presentations, artistic performance, and a buffet dinner.
Payment:50 NOK will be charged for paid members of CPN in 2013, and 500 NOK for other participants including unpaid members. The payment should be made via bank transfer to CPN account 0539 5799691, DNB Bank. For those who want to become a CPN member please register you at
Contact Information
Mr. Tianyu Mai at tianyu.mai @ for further question about the event.
How to get there? (see map link below) Bus route nr. 31, get off at Telenor (Bus time table Page 12 & 17).
- Time & Location: 17:00, Thursday, November 21st, 2013, Telenor Expo, Snarøyveien 30, 1360 Fornebu or check this Map.
- Deadline for registration: Friday, 15th November 2013 23:59 +0200 Oslo Time (Time left: -4136 day(s) 11:35:41 at Fri, 14 Mar 2025 09:34:41 +0000).
- Party / membership fee for the former joined adult family member is the same as that of a member.
- See page bottom for more info in Chinese (更多中文信息见页面底部).
We sincerely ask CPN member to log in and register for the event. Then we can get all your information filled in automatically and you only need to press the submit button below. We will also send you an unique ID to get you on an express way of payment and entrance control.
- Till now 0 participants registered online. Some participants may have registered by other ways.
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1、会员登陆后注册,基本不需要重新输入任何信息,仅需点击 Submit 确认。
a) 系统可以自动查验2013会费是否已交,并在注册表中注记。
2、会员不登陆,也可以注册, 但需要输入会员号码,就是Payment ID的前四位数字。注册页面有链接,可以自动将这个号码发到注册的邮箱。
b) 注册页面不直接查验会费是否已交,但稍后可以加上或者另外查验,无需人工单独操作。
c) 注册完成后,会以红字显示"No member ID, you may need to pay 500 kr for the party fee."。 注册确认邮件中会包含信息“* No member ID, you may need to pay 500 kr for the party fee. Please use this number as payment ID for your party fee: 9***”。
6、随行人员,如果不是会员,只能按非会员登记,无法一起登记;如果是会员,需单独登记。以前加入的、并且在2013年10月31日前交了2013年会费的家庭会员,可以先按非会员注册,并在“Comments and Suggestions”一栏填入家庭中CPN会员的名字和会员号码。