You are hereCPN 10-Year Anniversary / Bridging People and Businesses! - 10-Year Anniversary of Chinese Professionals in Norway

Bridging People and Businesses! - 10-Year Anniversary of Chinese Professionals in Norway

By admin - Posted on 23 October 2013

CPN 10 Years

[Poster (PDF ~353KB)][Poster II (PDF ~308KB)]

Another version: [Poster (JPG ~9.5MB)][Poster II (JPG ~9.3MB)]

Telenor Expo, Snarøyveien 30, 1360 Fornebu
21. November 2013, 17.00-21.00

Chinese Professionals in Norway (CPN,, founded in 2003, has become an important communication platform between Norway and China, and between wor

king immigrants with higher education and the Norwegian society. To celebrate CPN's 10-year anniversary, a full-evening event will be arranged, including presentations, artistic performance, and a buffet dinner in cooperation with NorAlumni-China via Research Council of Norway, and with IMDi project.

The H. E. Ambassador Jun Zhao will attend the event and give a speech. The invited guests represent public sectors, and industries of Norway and China, in addition to well-established Chinese experts and professionals from CPN. This will be a golden opportunity for socializing with Norwegians and business networks. It also provides a unique chance for Norwegians who are interested in establishing in China or enhancing their cooperation with China.

CPN 10 Years


Please register you at, within 11th November.
