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Brief info of Member's Business

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By admin - Posted on 11 April 2015


Company name / firmanavn / 公司名称:
Richard Chiu Business Consulting
Business / Forretnings / 公司业务 :

Assist Nordic companies to setup and develop business in Hong Kong and China. Services include but not Limited to entry and marketing strategy, companies setup, business plan, quality control, financial analysis and accounting.

Contact info / Kontakt info / 联系信息:
Email / 邮件地址:
Tel / 电话: 90981404
Postal Address / 邮政地址:
¨ Fagertunveien 6B, 0281 Oslo, Norway
The information above is provided as it is. The user who filled in the info has the full obligation to guarantee the information is true and complete. CPN is not able to check the information. Please report any possible abuse of this service.

You are welcome to contact us for further information.