Please send your photo to:photo @
It would be better to list the file names, titles of photos and name of the author in the email message.
Please refer to the section "Upload your photos today" for more information.
① To vote, your email address and member ID are needed. The voting is open to all CPN Members. The voting is anonymous, but we have to control that every one can only vote for 6 pictures and one vote for each picture (不记名投票。但是一人只能投票给6张作品。所以需先输入CPN会员号码和会员邮件地址。).
② You can vote for up to 6 pictures. For each of your favored pictures, please click its thumbnail in the index page to view it in larger size, choose a point for it first and click on "Rate it" to submit your rating.(点击作品小图,显示作品大图。大图上方有投票选项和您的投票记录。缺省是收起来的,需点击展开。给当前照片选定一个分数,点击 Rate it 即可。)
③ The rating of each favoured picture, through giving between 1 and 6 points, has to be unique. Note that 6 points=1st favorite, 5 points=2nd fvaorite, ..., etc
④ The winner is the one that gets the highest sum points from all voters.
⑤ You can change your rating to one picture by rating it again
⑥ You can send your voting record to your mailbox.
⑦ Deadline for vote:October 01st, 2023 11:59
本次比赛分为摄影照片以及短视频两类,一共收到摄影照片作品34件,和短视频类作品5部。CPN理事会也特意为本次比赛组织了一个三人的独立评审委员会,也就是所有评审委员都没有作品参加比赛。并且,本次比赛引入了 “双盲” 评审机制,即评审委员不知道作者,评审委员不知道其他评审委员的打分结果。保证了本次比赛结果的独立,公平,公正。
本次比赛设立了精美的奖品,并请上述各位获奖者于2022年1月30日本周日下午12点到13点到奥斯陆雕塑公园(Vigeland parken)停车场领取相应奖品,奖品发放地点在NHO大楼对过的停车场,NHO地址是 Middelthuns gate 27, 0368 Oslo。联系人:张秀华 (手机:9970 5188)
Please contact Mr. Su Ji if you have any question related to the event, at: photo @
Question / suggestion on CPN web service, please send to webmaster @