Registration for Seminar 福建代表团 座谈会报名

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Total registered on this page: 30  Last registered at 2019-10-30 22:28 CET.

- 日期: 2019-11-09 (Add to calendar)
- 时间: 10:00 - 12:00,座谈 12:00-活动提供午餐,自由交谈
- 地点: Scandic Holmenkollen Park Hotel (Website)
- 地址: Kongeveien 26, 0787 Oslo (Google maps)
- How to get there: take the T-bane Linje 1 and get off at the Holmenkollen Station (about 10 min walking from the metro station to the hotel).
- 说明:福建省委组织部一行人将于11月初访问北欧。届时考察团将与旅挪专家学者联合会即在挪威的专家、学者、留学生座谈;介绍福建发展情况、宣讲引才政策、洽谈人才项目合作。代表团希望能与30博士硕士见面。由于准备午餐,请有兴趣的会员, 抓紧在 2019-10-31 之前, 填写下面的报名表并递交。
- 如果需要更多的信息,请通过邮件 联系 Zhang Li

报名表 / Registration form



If you need to take the public transportation (bus / metro / train), use the form below to check out the route for your travel to the meeting venue:

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