Join CPN - Registration Form 会员登记表



1. Items marked with are required. Others are optional. It would be better if you could fill in as much information as you can, to let other members know you better.
2. Please write down your hobbies as concrete as you can like qigong, Taiji, Chinese calligraphy, and so on. It is a very good reference for the future use.
3. Minimum membership fee is 250 NOK for individual membership, 125 NOK for student membership. We appreciate it if you could contribute more to support CPN activities.
4. Payment should be transferred to CPN account at DNB bank, account nr: 0539.5799691, together with your name and Member ID which will be send to you later on approval.
5. CPN Website: and
6. Contact CPN: post @
7. For those student members, please give your degree undertaken.
8. For arranging meetings with delegation from China, hometown information is necessary for you to be called to meet the delegations from your hometown.
9. Birthday and address are essential for CPN to apply for financial support from Oslo Kommune based on their requests.
10. 请尽量不要使用QQ邮箱注册会员,系统自动发出的邮件,退信率比较高,可能无法收到系统发出的邮件。
It’s guaranteed that all private information like birthday, address, civil status will not be used for any other purpose.

1. Personal Info 个人信息

Same as your registration at folkeregisteret.
Same as your registration at folkeregisteret.

Address should be the same as your registration at folkeregisteret and in the form: No. of gate, street name, i.e. your complete postal address.
To check out your post code, please visit this page 查邮编.

Please write down your hobbies as concrete as you can like qigong, Taiji, Chinese calligraphy and so on. It is a very good reference for the future use, such as arrange special activities.

2. Contact Info 联系方式


3. Education 教育背景


4. Employment 工作背景


5. Professional achievement 成就

1. Fill in the form shown on this page
2. Submit (by clicking the Create New Account button below)
3. CPN Webmaster sends your registration to CPN Board for approval
4. CPN board may contact you for further information. It is important that your contact information filled in on this page is correct and you will respond message from CPN board as soon as possible.
On approval
5. CPN Board sends you a welcome letter by email
6. You pay for the member fee via bank transfer to CPN account: 0539.5799691. You may pay for the member fee right after finishing this online registration and it may reduce the processing time of your registration.
7. Your account on CPN website is activated
8. Your email is added to CPN mailing list
If not approved, the procedure will be terminated. You can contact CPN board for further information.
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